5 Tips to Boost Your Healthy Habits During the Winter Months

Woman in kitchen with vegetables
  1. Be mindful at mealtime - Staying aware is the fundamental skill that keeps us connected to making healthy choices.  When we are in touch with our body and what it needs we are much better able to take care of ourselves! Staying mindful could look like checking in with hunger and fullness levels at meals, checking in on stress and anxiety levels, as well as adding in some intentional moments of pause into your day.

  2. Plan ahead and PREP - Planning sets us up for success in whatever we might be trying to accomplish. The easier you make it for yourself to choose a healthy habit the more likely you are to actually do it.  Plan your meals weekly, schedule in exercise and prep ahead to make it easier when you’re tired and rushed. Take 30 minutes over the weekend to create a plan for the week!

  3. Drink water - It is always important to stay hydrated but during the holidays it is so easy to get caught up running errands, attending social events, or just being distracted or stressed.  Staying hydrated keeps energy levels up, replaces other beverages that are not as beneficial for us (hello coffee, alcohol and soda or sugary juices), increases brain function, prevents headaches and keeps our digestive system flowing. Always carry a water bottle with you and keep it visible. 

  4. Get in movement - Getting our body moving has so many benefits physically and mentally.  When things get busy it can be easy to let movement slip.  Schedule in times for movement and stick to it! Break down your exercise routine into shorter sessions and spread it out throughout the day or week if you don’t have time for your regular routine. 

  5. Prioritize sleep - So many of us do not get enough sleep. When we are sleep deprived our body is looking to make up the energy deficit and will crave foods that will provide a quick boost of energy, and those foods are our simple carbs (sugar and starch) instead of nutrient-dense foods. When we are underslept it is harder to stick to our healthy routines. Set an alarm an hour before you want to get to bed to create a calming routine to get your brain and body ready for sleep.


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