Top 10 Tools for Coping with Stress

girl meditating outside
  1. Check in with yourself - Assess your emotional and physical state several times a day. Set an alarm on your phone to help remind you, and check in with yourself. How are you feeling both physically and emotionally? 

  2. Prioritize sleep and sleep hygiene - This one is not rocket science, however, it is SO important to set yourself up for good, restful sleep (adults need 7-9 hours). Lower the thermostat and make sure your bedroom is completely dark. Try not to use electronics in bed as this can dysregulate your sleep-promoting brain chemicals.

  3. Anticipate and prepare for potential issues - Preparation and planning can actually lower anxiety. Create a plan for the feared what-ifs - this can help you feel more in control.

  4. Examine your thoughts and emotions prior to responding - Ask yourself - Are these thoughts helping me cope right now or making me feel worse? Are these thoughts accurate or am I overexaggerating or minimizing?

  5. Allow your feelings - Feel your feelings, acknowledge them, let them be present instead of fighting, avoiding, burying or numbing them. Know that there is a difference between allowing and wallowing in negative feelings. Also, know that it’s ok to distract yourself temporarily if the feelings become overwhelming. This can help you cope in the moment.

  6. Think about how you would respond if you were at your healthiest - How can you cope positively instead of engaging in unhealthy coping? What actions would you take, if you could behave in an ideal way?

  7. Set healthy boundaries - Think about what you actually want, and have the capacity for right now. Value and support your own needs by taking breaks and saying no.

  8. Seek social support when you need it - Have at least one person you can share honestly with and be your authentic self. Consider therapy - it can be a life changer when you are looking for support and guidance, as well as expertise in managing mental health.

  9. Be mindful of the good things - Even on our worst day, there is something good that you can take the time to appreciate and be grateful for - notice the positives, even the small ones add up to boost our mood when we take the time to appreciate them.

  10. Set goals and recognize/celebrate progress - At the beginning of each week, decide on your priorities (not just your to-do list) - celebrate when you are able to cross something off the to do list, or when you say yes to something that enhances and adds value to your life (or when you say no to something that doesn’t - see number 7)


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