6 Tips to Boost Positive Emotions

  1. Pay attention - start by noticing and extending positive moments - even something as simple as your morning coffee or tea, or an after work walk can be made into a positive experience by being present and enjoying the small things we enjoy every day.

  2. Make plans - having something to which we can look forward is a great way to boost a positive mood. Even if your plan is small - a phone or zoom video chat with a friend or more elaborate, like a weekend getaway or next summer’s vacation, having things we anticipate improves our mood now!

  3. Take action - if you are struggling to get motivated or take care of something, if you wait to “feel like” doing it, you may wait forever! Getting up and taking action allows us to build positive momentum, productivity and boosts our sense of self efficacy! Set the alarm and do the online workout, or get up off the couch and fold the pile of laundry, and more likely than not, you will feel better afterward.

  4. Do something kind - studies show when we act in kindness toward others, we reap the reward of positive feelings. Start small - send a complimentary text to someone you care about, or buy a cup of coffee for a coworker, friend or even a stranger. Notice and appreciate these positive sensations and allow yourself to feel good about your deed.

  5. Take care of your relationships - Relationships require maintenance. We humans are social animals and we thrive when we are with those whose company we enjoy. Treat your friends and family with care, and alternatively, reach out to others when you need support. We often get out of relationships what we are willing to put into them (like with many things in life). Take the time to connect with others and it will help you (and them) feel less alone.

  6. Take time to show yourself some love - Self love is just as important, if not MORE important, than our relationship with others. Practice being kind to yourself by setting aside time for yourself each day. Even if this looks like repeating positive affirmations in the mirror, journaling, taking a walk or replacing critical self-talk with compassion, doing something for you is key in boosting positive emotion.


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